Pinky Diaries


Manhood Myths and Sexy Secrets

Manhood Myths and Sexy Secrets

With the constant bombardment of ‘perfect’ sexy images, bodies, sex and relationships via the media and with porn being so easily accessible these days, it’s easy to see why our heads can get filled with total unrealistic ideas and expectations when it comes to our own bodies and sex lives. 

Penis Size

The chances are most men probably have a perfectly adequate penis size but that’s not what the porn industry would have you believe.  The owner of those mythical, massive, monster sized man members are being PAID to show it off because they have what the majority don’t.  The average penis, when erect is 5-6 inches long, some will be smaller or bigger and it will still be normal. Having a large penis does not mean you will be a better lover.  Remember ‘penis size’ does not = ‘manliness’.  Masculinity is better measured in how a man treats his partner. 

Premature Ejaculation

It’s all about perspective.  How long is too long?  What’s too quick? In reality; for many couples’, penetrative sex will only last a few minutes and it will depend on the overall satisfaction gained from each person as to whether it’s too quick or not! It doesn’t have to go on for hours to be great.

If you decide, however, that it is a problem for you then there are various things you can experiment with to help your session last a bit longer.  Try to remember, though that men aren’t really wired to keep going for too long.  There’s no point getting overly anxious about this (it can make matters worse). Going back to the caveman days, men had to get their end-a-way as quickly as possible to ensure it was their offspring that were created before another man came along, clubbed him on the head and ejaculated his genetics everywhere. It ensured the survival of The Human Race before we had any other intelligent means. Nature is against you unfortunately.

Thankfully we’ve moved on a bit these days and sex can mean more than just having penetrative sex as quickly as possible.  If we have a considerate, ‘giving’ lover, ‘premature’ ejaculation doesn’t have to be a thing. Variety in your lovemaking is more enjoyable than penetrative sex that goes on for too long and besides, vaginas (and bums) aren’t really designed to be banged away at forever anyway.

Screaming Orgasms

Just because she isn’t screaming the house down, it doesn’t mean that she hasn’t enjoyed herself. Some women scream, and some just don’t. During arousal and climax, the heart rate and blood pressure increase, skin becomes flushed, muscles tense and finally all that tension is released.  This means that for many women, it’s perfectly feasible for the reaction to be more physical as opposed to vocal.

Orgasms are great but if you’re thinking too much about the destination, then the journey to get there can feel rushed and pressured which then has the opposite effect and you don’t get there at all! (Or it’s faked, with a bit of screaming for effect).

Being intimate with someone should feel enjoyable the whole time and that can take some time to achieve. Trust and an emotional connection have a big part in how lovers respond to each other.  So unless you can read peoples’ minds then it’s normal for it to take a little bit of patience to figure out what your partner enjoys.

Our body hang-ups and insecurities all too often get in the way of enjoying our sex lives as much as we should, so we need to relax, accept our imperfections and just enjoy the ride. Don’t get disheartened by false expectations or beliefs – It’s all good.


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